Announcement of the Vice Chancellor for Education and Graduate Studies of the University regarding the evaluation method of the current semester

14 Sep 2021

The Vice Chancellor for Education and Graduate Studies of Sharif University of Technology issued a statement regarding the proposed method for grading and evaluation in the current semester.

Announcement text;

Greetings, respect and wishes to accept all obedience and worship,

It is worth mentioning that in the recent meeting of the University Education Directors Council, the collection of comments received regarding the proposed method for grading in the current semester (in response to inquiries) was summarized. Considering that the majority of the comments received were still devoted to the choice of the conventional scoring method (numerical scoring between zero and twenty), so it was decided, assuming the possibility of holding final exams in the current semester, first, the scoring method is the same as the conventional scoring method University (numerical scoring between zero and twenty) will be.

Secondly, in addition to the facilities that have already been announced for the elimination of semesters and courses in this semester, the following facilities should be considered for students only in this semester:

According to the special conditions of the 2009-2010 semester, students can, after definitively registering all the scores of this semester in the transcript and during the next academic semester (2016-2017) by the Vice Chancellor for Education and Graduate Studies of the University and its requirements in the system Education will be considered, request to convert one of the scores of their courses to P (if the score obtained is in the acceptance range) or W. "If you use the option to convert the grade of a course to W, the number of credits remaining in the semester for undergraduate students should not be less than 8 credits and for graduate students should not be less than 6 credits."

It was also decided that the respected teachers of the courses should be advised to consider the subject of continuous evaluation of the student during the semester and to plan in such a way that a significant part of the course score can be determined based on the continuous evaluation of the student.

In addition, if the possibility of holding end-of-semester exams in person is completely ruled out by the competent authorities of the country, the planned arrangements will be announced.

Vice Chancellor for Education and Graduate Studies of the University